Relevant Articles

Principle Three

An example of the resources available on the Relevant Articles Webpage

Information Of Relevance

This page includes links to various open source articles which may be relevant to your child safe organisation.

As the National Principles are new and evolving academia, the media and other similar agencies are continually expanding available content. There are several organisations which are continually updating their content such as the Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Australian Catholic University Institute of Child Protection Studies.

These articles often use research to explore areas of improvement and are a valuable resource to reflect on and improve your child safe practices. Likewise jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada (with similar common law systems) also have available resources.


Australian Institute of Family Studies

Education Scotland

Australian Human Rights Commission Child Safe Information Portal

Item Type
Short Description
Tasmania, Department of Education, `Together with Families'
This resource explores how families can be in a child and young person’s education journey through following the principles of caring, being purposeful, responsive, genuine, inclusive and effective. It also has resources such as posters which can be used by child related organisation.
The resources include a one-page poster of how to articulate to your community child-safe principles.
ACECQA, `Collaborative partnerships with families and communities' (2014), Author Livingstone
The paper explores how collaboration can be achieved between educators, families and the community.
Compare your strategies to collaborate with the suggestions in this paper.
Australian Institute for Family Studies, `Working together to keep children and families safe: Strategies for developing collaborative competence' (2020), Authors Rhys Price-Robertson, Kirkwood, Dean, Hall, Paterson and Broadley
An examination of how child protection and other agencies can develop a shared understanding of their purpose, functions and commonalities through collaboration.
The relationship between these agencies’ parallels that of family and child related organisations. The suggested techniques may be able to be adapted to develop and strengthen family relationships, identify common values, and encourage engagement with your organisation.
Australian Institute for Family Studies, `Engaging communities: What's involved and how it's done' (2016), Authors West, Moore & Sayer
A video resource demonstrating methods to engage communities.
Useful for staff and the community.

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