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Where are you on your journey?

Did you know that Child Safety Network, in collaboration with its partners supports organisations to review, refine and develop Child Safe Approaches.

Child Safety Network has developed a suite of Policies and Procedures which it can contexualise to child related organisations. The key to or success is our practical understanding and lived experience in and with such organisations. If this requirement is not something you are getting to contact us today as we are here to support you.

Support of Outdoors NSW & ACT

We are proud to be working with Outdoors NSW & ACT the peak body for Outdoor Recreation, Outdoor Education, Adventure Tourism, and Nature Therapy in the state of New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) to support organisations to demonstrate their child safe approaches. Contact us today as we are here to support you.

Presentation at Outdoors NSW & ACT

On 30 June 2023, Jon Sleeman was part of a Risk Management Panel at the Biennial Conference in beautiful Lennox Heads. The panel members included outdoor risk management specialists, NSW WorkCover and the NSW Office of Children Guardian. Jon discussed how child related organisations may become child safe and outlined key focus areas.

Access our Videos

We are expanding our videos which can be viewed online. These include:

The essential steps at the start of the year

Creating a Child Safety Commitment Statement


Our Newsletters

Access our newsletters below.

August – September 2022

October – November 2022

February – March 2023 – coming soon


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