An example of the resources available on the Templates Webpage

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We will be releasing various templates over the ensuing months. These templates include:

– a checklist for each Principle with suggested areas of focus, policies and procedures to be prepared

– common challenges and risk areas for each Principle

– a traffic light template to assist you determine your current compliance status

– example Policies and Procedures and related documents 

We have included some example templates to demonstrate the resources that are and will become avaliable as this site develops. As with the other resources these will be within each Principle/Child Safe Stanfdard.

Item Type
Relevant Principle/Child Safe Standard
Template Name
Principle 1.1 Committment Statement
Template NPCSS 1.01 Review Checklist Child Safety Commitment Statement v1.0
Principle 1.1 Committment Statement
Template NPCSS1.02 Developing a Child Safety Commitment Statement v1.0
Principle 1.1 Committment Statement
Template NPCSS 1.03 Example Child Safe Commitment Statement v1.0

More Information

There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.

As the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations become accepted practice more child-related organisations are required to develop a commitment statement. A key task is to make it fit for your purpose given the services you provide. Our templates contain some useful documents which can assist you to develop your commitment statement.

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