Equality & Diversity
Equality & Diversity
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There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
As the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations become accepted practice more child-related organisations are required to develop a commitment statement. A key task is to make it fit for your purpose given the services you provide. Our templates contain some useful documents which can assist you to develop your commitment statement.
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Principle 1: Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
Principle 1.1 The organisation makes a public commitment to child safety.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
Principle 1.2 A child safe culture is championed and modelled at all levels of the organisation from the top-down and the bottom up.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
Principle 1.3 Governance arrangements facilitate the implementation of the child safety and wellbeing policy at all levels.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
Principle 1.4 A Code of Conduct provides guidelines for staff and volunteers on expected behavioural standards and responsibilities.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
Principle 1.5 Risk management strategies focus on preventing, identifying, and mitigating risks to children and young people.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.
Principle 1.6 Staff and volunteers understand their obligations on information sharing and recordkeeping.
There are many examples of Child Safe Commitment Statements online. Victorian organisations have more commonly been utilising these due to their Child Safe Standards being in effect for several years. These statements have also been used by religious-based organisations as well as disability and out-of-home care providers.